Messaggi e commenti per Emma Watson

Messaggi presenti: 12

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Biografieonline non ha contatti diretti con Emma Watson. Tuttavia pubblicando il messaggio come commento al testo biografico, c'è la possibilità che giunga a destinazione, magari riportato da qualche persona dello staff di Emma Watson.

Mercoledì 9 febbraio 2022 09:35:24

Introduction and greeting to Emma Watson

Hi Emma Watson if we don't know each other I'll introduce myself my name is Cristian Boldo and I live in the province of Verona in Italy, you are a really fantastic and good actress, I am writing to you in English not Italian which is a bit difficult for you, I would love to meet you since I live when you come to Italy or or maybe when I come to London and have made some beautiful films like Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast that have been famous in Italy, say hello to me when you see them from my part Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, and you to satisfy that I do not support football and I do not patronize it but I do swimming in sports, I hope to see you in person one day and if you want, it will please you to speak to you in English or French! answer me please thank you

Sabato 15 gennaio 2022 13:34:04

Bonjour emma je suis edoardo je suis un enfant de 11 ans et je suis italien j'ai vu herry potter 50 fois s'il vous plaît voudriez-vous venir à cervasca dans la province de cuneo pour mon anniversaire s'il vous plaît et la chose que je veux toute ma vie merci. avec amour

Martedì 12 ottobre 2021 20:05:08

Ho perso tutta la tua stima hai lasciato il cinema, I social e te ne stai fregando di tutti i tuoi fan non vuoi fare più selfie con i fan sei Falsa.

Giovedì 12 agosto 2021 13:28:05

Cara Emma,
Non so se vedrai mai questo messaggio ma io ci provo comunque.
Mi chiamo Erika ho 12 anni e sono italiana di Torino, ti stimo tantissimo e sappi che sei la mia idola. Vorrei tantissimo incontrarti perché sei proprio fantastica sarebbe il mio sogno. In realtà so che non succederá mai ma sperare e sognare ad occhi aperti di incontrarti è bellissimo.

Lunedì 24 maggio 2021 16:32:12

[16: 29, 24/5/2021] Maria Vittoria 💖: good evening Emma Watson, I'm a fan of yours, I don't expect you to answer me, she will surely be very busy, but if you could find time to read this letter I would be very happy. I'm not English, I'm Italian, so I'm sorry if I make mistakes. I am 11 years old and I am really obsessed with her, I knew her as Hermione Jean Granger, of course I also know her in all the other films she has made. Since I was little Belle has always been my favorite princess, and as soon as I discovered that she or my idol played my favorite princess in the film, as we Italians say, I went to seventh heaven. I find her a very beautiful person, nice, a simple girl in make-up and dress, a nice character, I find her perfect. I have pictures of her hanging in my room, I really love it. I don't want to disturb her much, so I stop writing, if she ever finds the time to read this little but great dedication of mine I would be really happy. You are my reason for living P. s I wrote the letter in the third person because being smaller, writing it in the first person seemed rude to me. Have a nice day, a good life 💖

Mercoledì 27 gennaio 2021 19:54:01

Hello Emma I’m Rebecca and I’m 12. I would want your autographed photo please. I watched your films and they’re amazing!
With love,

Sabato 22 agosto 2020 09:46:19

Dear Emma Watson i am 10 years old i love Harry Potter. I live in Italia, in Puglia, in Conversano. If i came to Puglia in Conversano it would be a honor for me. 😀😁 😻😻😜😚😙 😘😘😘

Martedì 30 giugno 2020 15:38:29

Cara Emma Watson mi chiamo Sofia, sono una tua grandissima fan.
Ho sentito molto parlare di te, soprattutto perchè mi piace molto Harry Potter
e pensa che in questo periodo sono stata sempre al computer a vedere tutti i film che ai fatto.
Ho 10 anni e spero che da grande diventerò come te, non mi importa se i miei compagni mi prendono
in giro perchè guardo i tuoi film. Mi piaci molto e si può vedere da lontano: perchè guardo sempre i tuoi film, mi sono fatta stampare da mio padre delle fotografie con te, Grup e Daniel.
Infatti quando si potranno fare viaggi io verrò in Inghilterra e avrò il tuo autografo e lo conserverò per tutta la vita. ❤️❤️❤️
E poi mi potresti dire dove vivono Grup Grint e Daniel Racliffe.
Grazie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Martedì 16 giugno 2020 16:24:24

Emma come hai fatto a diventare attrice

Sabato 4 aprile 2020 00:44:45

Dear emma i'm a 13 year old boy living in italy and i'm a big fan of yours as soon as i saw harry potter for the first time i was blown away i remember all that movie how many times i saw it. I remember as a child I played your part or Harry or ron. I was playing with wooden sticks thinking they were chopsticks, I had 3 of them just 3 that of Harry yours and that half broken Ron trying to do magic. I still wish you the best, for me you've been everything since I met you "via the net" an indescribable woman for positive things, beautiful etc. however I hope that nothing happens to you with this virus, and now I wish you a good day and I wish you a good night, before I go I'll tell you something every day I look at your photos on the Internet and videos of when you were little behind fifth and I think about you all the time, you really deserve it, even if I'm an ordinary person I respect you and I'm proud of you. EMMA night IT WAS A PLEASURE TO TALK TO YOU! I love you

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