Messaggi e commenti per Robert Downey Jr

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Biografieonline non ha contatti diretti con Robert Downey Jr. Tuttavia pubblicando il messaggio come commento al testo biografico, c'è la possibilità che giunga a destinazione, magari riportato da qualche persona dello staff di Robert Downey Jr.

Venerdì 20 marzo 2020 14:10:42

Dear Robert,
I am Alessandro Massimo Fieni, I am 10 years old, I am Italian and a fan of yours, I'm not going to school at the moment, everythinghs is closed here, du to the covid-19. So I'm watching all your movies. My brother and I would love to have the Spiderman suit, if it is possible we would like to choose it,. .. I live in Santa Marinella near Rome, in via ------- n. 7 cap OOO58.
Thank you so much,
I hope to meet you one day. I send you a big hug

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