Messaggi e commenti per Stevie Wonder

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Biografieonline non ha contatti diretti con Stevie Wonder. Tuttavia pubblicando il messaggio come commento al testo biografico, c'è la possibilità che giunga a destinazione, magari riportato da qualche persona dello staff di Stevie Wonder.

Martedì 13 febbraio 2024 06:34:58

Kind request from a novelist

Dear Mr. Wonder I know you are a very humorous person. I wanted to ask you if I could use this joke about you on the back of my novel. This book is a comedy and is about a cruise ship adrift and the passengers who can't seem to get along. Basically a floating Tower of Babel. The joke in question is included in a list of comments from magazines and invented characters. His joke is: I'm waiting for the audiobook Since I wouldn't want to offend you in any way, I kindly ask your permission first. With much respect, Oliver Alex Fabbro from Italy

Mercoledì 1 aprile 2020 14:56:19

Ciao Stevie,
mi chiamo Milena. Tu sei un grande cantante e a mio padre sei sempre piaciuto tantissimo. Lui non c'è più e quando ascolto la tua musica non posso non pensare a lui... Ti amo papà ❤️
Hello Steve! Hi Stevie,
my name is Milena. You are a great singer and my father always liked you very much. He is gone and when I listen to your music I can't help but think of him... I love you dad❤️

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