Richiesta per un amico

Messaggio per David Gilmour

Martedì 28 maggio 2024 16:40:21
Good morning David, my name is Enrico and I am writing to you from Italy (San Mauro province of Turin). I am an admirer of yours but Tommaso, a friend of mine, is more than me. It is for him that I am writing to you. He will be 50 in July this year and I would love to be able to give him a special gift that he will remember for a lifetime. An autographed photo of you or just an autograph or piece of memorabilia about you and your amazing musical adventure. He's crazy about your music. He is a guitarist and plays Pink Floyd covers with his band. He respects and admires you very much.
No one can be considered an example for him more than you to follow in life. I don't know if this request of mine will be successful and will reach you before his birthday (next July 4th). I thank you in advance for the time you will dedicate to us and I wish you the best.
Good life!

Catalano Enrico
Via ------- 1
10099-San Mauro- Turin- Italy
Telephone: +39339-------
Da: Catalano Enrico

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