Messaggi e commenti per Hugh Grant

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Nota bene
Biografieonline non ha contatti diretti con Hugh Grant. Tuttavia pubblicando il messaggio come commento al testo biografico, c'è la possibilità che giunga a destinazione, magari riportato da qualche persona dello staff di Hugh Grant.

Giovedì 28 luglio 2011 22:21:09

Your character,face,heart insires me good energy.Even If somehow I am Strong enough to face it all...don't need heroes .I never lied in my life,It was told to me that is a shame.There is no shame in loving,smn similar.It is a shame that we never leave our jobs to stay close to needs us in a moment,the talking is very important.I have understood,I have had some little health problems here""""WHAT AN EARTHQUAKE2""
yOU DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING FOR ME.It will be ok.thank you.God bless you.

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