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Venerdì 19 marzo 2021 22:02:51

Help me Keanu

Dear Keanu. i use google translate because i don't know english.
I admire you a lot as a person and as an actor you are really good!
My name is Sirlene, I am a 47-year-old woman alone in the world. 7 years ago I had a kidney transplant.
I'm ashamed to do this but I don't know what to do anymore.
I have no work and so far I have lived on help with renting and eating.
I am stuck in Brazil because I have no money to renew my passport and buy the ticket and I no longer have a home in Italy.
I was wondering if you could help me train in Italy. I would like to open a real estate frinchising x to have no more work problems.
Nobody takes me because I am transplanted.
My big dream is to be able to buy back the house of my adoptive parents, let them rest in peace.
The house where I grew up. It is on sale for € 350, 000
I trust God that working with my agency will be able to return HOME !.
Now I'm in Curitiba Brazil. In a short time I will be on the street because I can't pay the rent of the room anymore and I am really very tired.
I think I went into depression. I have enormous anxiety inside.
I want to cry out loud but I can't and I can't
I am too tired.
I love movies very much, they distract me a bit.
I would have liked to have known you. I believe that I am going to die. I have lost too much weight and have had dysentery for a year and a half. doctors don't do much here. I don't eat much.
Take this opportunity to say thank you!
Thank you for being a "famous" who has remained simple and humble.
There is still hope.
Hi. Sirly.

Lunedì 25 gennaio 2021 09:46:56

Che tristezza leggere di persone truffate convinte di interagire con Keanu Reeves...
Ma è mai possibile che non ci sia una soluzione a questo schifo!
Ho rispetto per lui come attore ma ancora di più come persona e mi dispiace leggere di tante nefandezze compiute a suo nome da persone che ritengo non degne di appartenere al genere umano...

Lunedì 11 gennaio 2021 00:16:51

From a fan of yours

Hello Mr. Reeves, my name is Andrea Vandini and I am a 26 year old boy living in Italy, not that a big fan of him and she is one of my favorites before Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCapro of course ahaha. However, I don't want to disturb you too much, but I wanted to write to you mainly because I would love to be able to talk to you in person, but as you know this is not exactly the right time for face to face conversations. Above all, I wanted to write to tell you that I really admire your films that you have made, among which I will never stop watching them: the Matrix trilogy (I can't wait for the fourth chapter to come out), Hardball (this film really moved me), The Reserves (you're all crazy in that movie hahaha), Constantine, Ultimatum alla terra, 47 ronin (fabulous) and the John Wick saga (I look forward to the fourth 🤩) then I saw that he also plays the part on Cyberpunk 2077👌 🏼, congratulations I really would never have expected his appearance.
But above all I wanted to tell her, obviously if she is interested, because I don't want to disturb her or seem like a selfish guy, I would never allow myself to insult her or take advantage of her and her kindness, I'm not that kind of person, never, ever, because like I said She is one of my favorite actors and I respect her.
I also read his story and I must say that it moved me a lot, especially for his goodness, how he managed to resist after everything he went through... and the fact that he always helps people in difficulty or even just listens their stories.
I admire her very much because there are not so many people like you in this world who do such extraordinary things. Like the kind of people who complain because an amazon package doesn't arrive in time, or maybe a person doesn't have the latest model of cell phone, doesn't have a car, or wants that shirt at all costs and etc... frankly I think that we are people who can never be completely satisfied, but I think that one day humanity will be able to improve itself. Without thinking about herself, but also about others less in difficulty, and about this magical world that she has to offer us.
I am writing to you mainly because I need to vent my thoughts for a moment... because unfortunately I am not in a good family situation...
I have a 61-year-old mother with cancer and pulmonary fibrosis where she has been following chemotherapy and radiotherapy since early December 2020, but following these therapies unfortunately affect fibrosis... so... I don't know for how long... will it last...
In addition there is also the problem of banks in which my uncles and I discovered in October 2020 that it was in debt since I was little, without knowing anything about all this... with a debt of € 230, 000. Because over the years he has asked for various loans in order to save the house, the hole he was falling into without saying anything is increasing more and more..., but unfortunately I also fell into this hole where in 2014 and 2016 he made me sign as guarantor for two financings, without saying anything to me... and after having discovered it and in understanding why she always asked me for money on loan... I obviously raged on you for not telling me and for having me put in this situation where I will not be able to get out of it even if I work, because on me there is a debt of € 165, 000 of the € 230000. Plus this situation of the illness on my mother...
We also talked to a lawyer in Milan to understand if it was possible to get out in some way, even if only by renouncing the inheritance or debts, but nothing... it is not possible... we should pay the lawyer with another 20, 000 € that we do not have, but nothing would change because nothing would be solved...
In my life I have also been a selfish and presumptuous person, but over the years I have realized that it is not all pink and flowers. It is a world that has ups and downs in all circumstances and you have to face life with your head held high, without anyone telling you that what you want to do cannot be done because someone else tells you.
I too have worked in my life, as a cook in the summer seasons and many times I have not found myself well in doing this job, but I have always held out without ever giving up. Now with the current situation it is even more difficult for us young people to find work...
I'm sending resumes for any job right now, also because I don't want to continue doing this job, because I'm not happy and can't even see my friends or spend a moment with my family...
Every day I always think about this moment that I have to face every day... we also put the house up for sale, but unfortunately it is located in a place where no one would come because it is too far from those who work in the city or in the village... we can wait only until the end of August 2021, because we managed to block the mortgage until this date, so that the bank allows us to sell the house and if we fail... my mother and I will not be able to pay the mortgage is new, along with the other financial ones...
My mother also asked for a disability due to her current situation, but it would not be enough anyway and even if I were able to work...
I don't want to bore you with this situation of mine... I know very well that you are busy, but I just wanted someone to listen to me or at least read my story...
Unfortunately my father has never been there in my life... also because he did not want to be part of it... I had to become a man alone... in every circumstance and in every difficulty...
I don't want to ask anyone's help, especially you, because I'm too proud a boy to ask someone for help, I want to be the one to help me... even if I still don't know how...
I've always been an optimistic guy...
I just want my mother to be okay or at least she be happy and above all she wants me to live a peaceful life, even though she knows she regrets what she did... she thinks she can save her home...
However, I hope that you are well in all respects, maybe one day I will be able to come to America just to see you. I hope I haven't bored her with my situation, but I just want to tell her that I hope she is okay because I am looking forward to seeing more of her films as soon as possible, obviously in the time to come.
A huge hug, Andrea Vandini.

Mercoledì 28 ottobre 2020 03:46:10

Buongiorno.. io sto chattando con keanu su hagnaut... dice di essere lui ma temo sia una truffa... vorrei capire se tutto ciò e' possibile... mi ha inviato anche la foto solo delle mani che mostra la sua patente di guida... ora gli sto' chiedendo prove... si è contraddetto qualche volta... qualcuno mi può spiegare se e' una truffa? Bisognerebbe informare l'attore... ci sono persone che possono usare un suo profilo tranquillamente? Grazie

Mercoledì 21 ottobre 2020 12:44:54

Hello Mr. Reeves, I am writing because on social istangrams there are dishonest people who use the name of keanu Charls Reeves to ask for money and disturb people 😓. I offer my best regards. MONICA MARY

Giovedì 17 settembre 2020 16:12:05

Ciao Kianu. Mi chiamo Gloria e vivo in Italia. Ti scrivo perché ti ammiro, nn solo come attore ma anche come persona. Se unico!

Mercoledì 9 settembre 2020 14:36:10

Good afternoon. I wanted to know, Mister Keanu if he ever has this Hangout program and if he ever talked to anyone in private. thank you very much and I'm waiting for your answer.

Lunedì 7 settembre 2020 14:45:39

Carissimo sig Reeves, sono una nonna di 3 bimbi 2 femminucce di 6 e 4 anni e un maschietto di 4 anni, sono una sua estimatrice dai tempi di matrix e da allora non mi sono mai persa u
un suo film !
non so se mai leggerà questo messaggio, ma vorrei poter scrivere a lei personalmente in privato se fosse possibile x una cosa molto seria e privata..
la saluto con simpatia
laura virgilio

Lunedì 31 agosto 2020 17:22:49

I love u so much i want meet yiu i live in italy.

Sabato 4 luglio 2020 13:26:26

Ciao sono Debora, sono mamma e ti scrivo dalla Sicilia.. Sei un grande attore e soprattutto una bellissima persona.. Vorrei parlare con te in privato, ho molte cose da dirti e da chiederti.. Spero che mi contatterai.. Buona giornata 😘😘

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