Messaggi e commenti per Tom Holland

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Biografieonline non ha contatti diretti con Tom Holland. Tuttavia pubblicando il messaggio come commento al testo biografico, c'è la possibilità che giunga a destinazione, magari riportato da qualche persona dello staff di Tom Holland.

Domenica 16 gennaio 2022 12:21:55

For Tom Holland and Zendaya

Hi Tom, I'm writing you this email because I want you to be my favorite actor. I love you so much for making me smile and laugh every morning when I look at you. I have listened to all of your interviews and they are very informative and make you think a lot. I hope you are very well, I am fine. However you and Zendaya are great together, you are a beautiful couple. I am very happy for you and congratulations on all your successes that you have been recognized and then the latest Spider-Man movie is magnificent, compelling and beautiful. I was moved. Here is a message from your fan I love you soon. I'll visit you in London in a few years if the pandemic ends. I greet you with greatness and wish you good luck and to continue your life with the happiness that you already have. You have a beautiful smile. Hello I love you, spend a peaceful and cheerful day see you soon! Send a hug to your siblings and family and also to Zendaya.

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